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The Brown Bear is the first bear that the player can befriend, and one of the first animals that can be befriended in Mountains.


The Brown Bear resembles a real-life brown bear with a smooth fur coat and dark feet and facial features. It has a small round tail. Barring its eyes, it is almost entirely dark brown.


A powerful omnivore that hibernates during winter. Can climb, dig and swim, but fails driving tests due to poor eyesight.


Baby Brown Bear[]

Baby Brown Bear
  • Eating animals is 6% more effective


  • The Brown Bear is based on a real-life grizzly bear, also known as the North American brown bear.
  • The description references a real life brown bear's behaviour, as well as hints that bears can smash trees in game.
  • The Baby Brown Bear's ability also reflects the ability of the adult.


  • The Brown Bear was released in version 1.1.0 on the 26th of July 2016 along with Mountains and all other Mountains species.
Brown Bear Bear Chieftain Honey Bear Bearthday Cake Beaver Bear SU-24 Bearoplane
TIME LOCKER BEAR Vlambeer Giant Panda Field Bear Captain Beartrice